Saturday, May 8, 2021

A Magnificent Home in Dwarka Away from the Congested City

Ever since the industrial age began, there was a trend in people moving to bigger cities and thereby buying properties within the main city area which has resulted in heavy congestion over the several decades.

The good part is that society has shifted from the industrial age to the information age which means most people no longer need to go to a factory to work for long hours instead they can work remotely from their home.

The advantage of working remotely is that your home can be big and spacious, and away from the daily hustle and bustle of the city but at the same time, all the amenities of the city are available to you as it is situated in the periphery of the crowded big city.

Properties around the NCR region of India

India’s capital, Delhi, is a metropolitan city that offers all world-class amenities and it is also a local delight. This city attracts people from all walks of life. However, owning a property in this city can be a hassle.

High buying rates/sq feet, high monthly maintenance bills, some properties may even lack proper ventilation and space due to the large population accommodated in this area. So, a smarter decision would be to buy a beautiful, appropriately priced property in Dwarka, Delhi.

Why buy a property in Dwarka?

Dwarka is a 30 minutes drive from Delhi, and it is considered an extended/ newer part of Delhi. Buying a property in this area within the span of a few years can be very beneficial. India is a fast-paced developing country. Needless to say, the capital of India and its surrounding regions are one of the leading areas of development.

While properties in the main parts of Delhi have a skyrocketing price, Properties in Dwarka are much more affordable and spacious. This is only because Dwarka is still in its developing stages. Imagine owning a property in Dwarka whose price is bound to multiply two folds in a short span of time! This is most certainly the kind of asset you should own.

While most people aim to own houses in the main parts of the city as they think it is the only way to have access to the best amenities, it is important for you, as a buyer to make rational decisions. Dwarka is connected to the main city through a flyover.

So, if it takes 30mins for you to reach the city, it is essentially no time wasted as a person who lives in the city will still take 30 minutes to reach the location which is 10 minutes away from them, due to the heavy traffic within the city.

While buying a property, a buyer should also keep in mind the long-term benefits along with the short-term benefits that come along with a new house.

The long-term benefits of owning a home in Dwarka are plenty. Other than the fact that your property will have a much higher value than the price you will be buying it for, the other advantage is, this property is bound to be bigger than a house in Delhi which can be bought for the same price.

A bigger house will aid in family planning. While it is true that not everyone is looking forward to having children in the near future. It is important to remember that everyone has people or other family members they care for and there might come a point where your home can be their home too.

Indian society has a beautiful value that teaches us to care for our elderly. So, a bigger home can play a big role in securing not only your future but for someone else’s future too.

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